Helping families on their worst day.
Karma Life Insurance is U.S based National Life Insurance Broker, the market leader for final expense coverage. We offer a wide range of whole-life insurance policies, as well as Term Life Insurance coverage and planning assistance to alleviate the burden placed on loved ones when the time comes to coordinate and pay for a funeral. Policies range from $1,000 – $2,000,000 in coverage and provide a tax-free check to beneficiaries within 24 hours at time of need.
The passing of a loved one is never easy, and while we cannot change the hand of fate, we are on a mission to help families on one of the worst days of their lives. We are comprised of team-driven, customer-centric, and hope-filled licensed agents who share a common and simple passion for helping people!
" O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?
– 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 "
We are an entirely remote team of National Producers. Enjoy the perks of working from home with company sponsored life insurance and benefits. We make the business of helping people as easy as possible through routine training, daily team huddles, and company-administered equipment. Join our mission today!
©2024 The People’s Insurance Co.